Who We Are
We are a family run farming operation focused on raising performance-based Registered Angus Cattle. Our family has been raising Angus cattle in Jackson County Indiana since 1949. We market cattle as Breeding Bulls through performance test and private treaty. Cows, Cow calf pairs, and Open Heifers are available private treaty. We also offer freezer beef from these same genetics.

Creating sound Genetic Progress is what drives us and is the challenge we thrive on. Settling cows A.I. offers the greatest potential for genetic improvement. We use thorough Record keeping, Independent third-party performance verification and DNA testing for data-based feedback and validation. We enjoy making herd visits and personally reviewing sale offerings to gather phenotypical input to further evaluate potentially impactful genetics. The rate of genetic progress in the Angus breed is increasing and requires constant and diligent review. We strive to produce performance Angus cattle and offer genetics to benefit the commercial rancher and end product consumer.
Our overall focus is performance, but we put selection criterial across the board on all economic traits. While we have never found the perfect animal, we believe it is possible to breed high performance cattle that are functionally correct, milk well with good udder traits and have good carcass merit. We do not tolerate poor dispositions or sacrifice overall quality for one particular trait.
We realize each customer’s need is unique, dependent on personal preference, environment and management approach. We recognize this can translate into wide variation in customer desires. On a cow we strive for a 5.5 to 6 frame with a lot of rib spring, and depth, full flank and sharp front. This approach helps to ensure productivity and profitability potential. Bulls must be structurally sound and possess genetic characteristics that will improve the customers program. We strive for moderate to low birth weight and above average to high carcass merit. We would be happy to discuss your individual needs and we invite your appraisal of our genetics.